TBWA\Helsinki – Content

13. Diana Rantamäki – Everybody feels envy

Kirjoittanut TBWA\Helsinki | 24.4.2023 11:02:19

13. Diana Rantamäki – Everybody feels envy

We are super excited to bring you this TikTok special episode with the one and only Diana Rantamäki as our guest. With 6.4 million followers, Diana has proven that one can become a TikTok superstar no matter where they're from. In this episode, Diana shares her simple philosophy that everyone can use to start building their own TikTok audience: stop overthinking, just try things out. She also discusses how to deal with envy attacks. Finally, we hear who Diana herself envies.


As the host of this episode we have Social Media Lead Melissa Kontu from TBWA\Chiat\Day.


Envy Cast on TBWA\Helsingin tuottama kateutta käsittelevä podcast, jonka tavoite on tehdä vaietusta aiheesta puheenaihe. Jokaisessa jaksossa haastateltavaksi saapuu eri alojen menestyjiä, jotka pureutuvat kateuteen tunteena, ilmiönä ja voimavarana. Lisäksi kuulemme, ketä he itse kadehtivat.